
PETA or No?

I love animals more than I love everything else in this world.
As much as family and friends and more than breathing, eating, living and shopping.
I believe they have as much right to live, if not more than us... and I'd do anything to scream that out to the world.

But let me be completely honest when I say that I am an aspiring vegetarian... and will be one day, and only then will completely accept myself as a true animal lover.
I have a long way to go.

But PETA claims they love animals already, more than I ever will, telling people to stop wearing fur and eating meat.

But I do not understand the point of their advertising campaigns?

But I do understand the point of the picture that follows:

Trust me, I love women's bodies too and I think that some females need to walk around naked, and being clothed is utterly unnecessary, but there's a limit, is there not?

Still, if PETA says they love animals, I believe them.
... believed them blindly, until I stumbled upon the following website, called 'Peta Kills Animal's.

As though my life was not complicated enough worrying about the thousands of animals I see everyday, that I cannot help as much as I'd like to.

Because I do not know who to believe, I shall be back briefly, well-researched and ready to bitch slap someone in the face.

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