

Pride can't be described.
Well, it might have a definition in the dictionary and 10 different ways of defining it in a thesaurus, and perhaps scholars and psychologists and even movie directors have focused on it, making it the subject of their thesis', study, movies etc.
All I know for sure though, is that pride is existent in all of us- some in large amounts, and in some so little it's barely recognizable.

This pride, no matter how little or small, can do one of two things: That is, prevent you from doing something stupid or prevent you from doing something totally required.

Truth is, today more people are believe in their pride or take notice of it, than their conscience, which has caused relationships betweens humans to deteriorate and eventually perish.
Talking to your friend after a fight is mandatory no matter whose fault it is (and if you think it's not, you probably don't have a lot of friends, or a lot of dumb ones) (I have neither), but your pride won't let you do that.

It probably has something to do with stooping too low or dignity... but we forget, in our state of extreme pride (I wish there was another word to use here) (Note: Must look in thesaurus), that when it comes to friendship, it really doesn't have to do with pride.

Pride exists in all of us- and it is good to be proud of the things you've accomplished, things you've been through... whatever those might be.
But the second our pride becomes an integral part of attitude, where we cannot distinguish it as a separate and non-existent, and it becomes a characteristic, that's where the trouble begins.

A lot of times, I never realized this... it just become part of me and altered my behavior towards others. You suddenly find yourself too ______ to say sorry, try harder, ask for something. You couldn't fill in the word, but it would have become part of you.
It was pride.
It's not pretty and when you realize it, you won't be either.

It usually takes someone else to tell you how proud you are, because you become so unattractive to other people. But if you're lucky, you can figure it out yourself.


Rebecca Black Is The New Cool Thing To Hate

When I was 13, I had some of the best days of my life.
Sure, I made some of the most stupidest decisions too- saw too many boys, didn't finish my homework on time, broke friendships, lied, got into trouble, failed an exam etc. but I was 13. The world wasn't expecting much from me.
It would suck however, if I was famous.

Because if you are famous, or want to be, it doesn't matter how old you are- 5, 10, 13... if you do not meet the audience's needs (whatsoever that might be, no matter how sadly infamous those people are), you are done for.

A prime example?
13 year old superstar in the making- Rebecca Black.

The crime she committed? Nothing.
Her mistake? Singing stupid lyrics, that weren't written by her.

So Black is a rich kid (or so I've heard) and her parent's paid for her video with this auto-tune obsessed record label, called 'Ark Music Factory'.
Nothing wrong with that, according to me, if you've got money, use it to the best of your abilities.

Anyway, so out comes Black's video 'Friday' and it's got the dumbest lyrics in the world, literally narrating the days of the weeks and in which order they proceed and something about her having difficulty in deciding where to sit and all.
And okay fine, no one's denying the absurdity in the lyrics!

But why hate on her? More so, when we know she's a 13 year old kid?
Didn't you do ANYTHING stupid when you were that age, that if it were broadcast on television or the internet, you wouldn't leave your house?

The video went viral and now she is supposedly the most 'disliked' (usage of polite word) person on YouTube.
If she kills herself, I'd like to see everyone who contributed to her death by posting irrelevant, clichéd, repetitive hate statuses about her take a stand.

It's cool to hate (I'd never) but I get it.

Someone finds a video of a kid singing dumb lyrics, tell their friends, they all might not get it but they'll still laugh along CAUSE THAT'S WHAT EVERYONE'S DOING and then post ignorant/hate statuses and comments all over the internet.
Because she's dumb, it's funny and all that jazz.

I'm honestly sick of this 'cool to hate' attitude that people have these days. Everyone just wants to be in on something, even if they don't entirely get it. Really?
And we hate on a 13 year old kid for making a bad decision?
And what's super sad is when people hate without a reason.
Ever researched upon the kid and drawn your own conclusion? If people really knew about music, you'd see how amazing she sounds minus the auto-tune shit.

Well anyway, here's my rant- Fuck you everyone who's ever hated/disliked/mocked her.
But also, thank you, for making her the most viewed on YouTube and also for making her a top selling artist on iTunes.

so much for hating.

Big Fail.


If You Make It, You Make It. If You Don't, You Don't

My friend’s a doctor. How cool is that?

I know her since pre-school and more specifically, she wants to be a cardio surgeon.
I’m actually going to know a cardio surgeon when she and I grow know, more than we already have.

The roads weren’t always as smooth as they were for us, in pre-school and we had our share of differences (vast differences), but we made it through like good friends do.
Regardless, as interesting as that might seem, that is not what this blog is about. It is about just being satisfied in life and how that is so underrated.

I have a point, I promise.

You see, when you are in pre-school it’s okay to be really smart. She was the smart kid, I was the talkative one. When you hit junior high, you’re still discovering yourself- after KG, She and I parted ways and then I saw her again in Grade 4. By then it had been four good, long years and I was trying to be someone else, she hadn’t changed...and my change had confused her and kept her out in the dark.

What was I trying to be?
Well, my mentor in becoming someone else was a mean, cold-hearted girl who I believe had forever changed me for the worst, encouraging me to make fun of other people and do things I wouldn’t normally do. She was pretty and confident, that works on 8 year olds, believe me.
Anyway, as we became seniors, like most kids my age, I had come to my senses and gone back to being her childhood friend and we’ve been tight ever since.
I’d changed a lot; she had remained the same- cruelly honest, socially confused, insanely book smart.

Now she’s becoming a doctor, an amazing profession which requires not only brains but also confidence, nerves, and the strength to make the right choices and save someone’s life...
And she says her life is okay.
She could say being smart changed everything, now she's on a road to success, whilst everyone around her struggles for an identity but not my friend.
She's just okay.

That’s what this post is about.
We live in an over achieving world, I think, where people get ahead of themselves, trying to be more than what they actually can. Well, they say, you’ll never know unless you try...but what people don’t realise is that trying wears you out.

Why can’t we just be okay?
Why is being satisfied with life, so fucking underrated?
Why do we always have to be extremely happy and content, otherwise nothing?
Why can't we figure out life as we go along? Do we really need to know all the answers now?
I think the reason why people today are so competitive is because they are trying so hard, not to be the best that they are, but to prove that they are the best.

I wish there was a big sign that reads, ‘No proof required, just be the best you can be’.
No proof, no recognition.
Just plain, honest, hard working people trying to make a day at a time trying to reach where they have to reach.
Not too far ahead, where they forget where they started from or why, not too slow either...

Just okay, just satisfied.

PS- To my amazing doctor friend, I love you and thank you for not being a stuck up, over achiever in everything you do, even though you could achieve anything you wanted to in this world.

PPS- Suck it, over achievers =)



The internet is perhaps the best place in the world today, to communicate a message effectively, to a vast number of people, at the same time.
Take this blog post for instance. I want to spread awareness about internet bullies and the damage they cause to society, so I’ll write it all out here, and then when I press send- it will automatically send itself out to the internet.
So yes, it’s a great way to inform people, speak out a loud and possess a strong voice, if you are incapable of reaching a large audience physically.

However, let’s not be naive and assume that this mode of communication is entirely effective. Because let’s face it, it’s not.
Like everything in this world, the internet does have its wide range of downfalls (Paedophiles, I am not pointing at you). The latest one in producing messages is the art of trolling.

Who are trolls/What is trolling?
I’ll state three to four website, so that I can assure you’ll some credibility:
1) A troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking other users into a desired emotional response[1] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion – Wikipedia

2) Being a prick on the internet because you can – Urban Dictionary

3) To utter a posting on Usenet designed to attract predictable responses or flames. Derives from the phrase "trolling for newbies, which in turn comes from mainstream "trolling", a style of fishing in which one trails bait through a likely spot hoping for a bite –

My favourite definition however of a troll, is one I found on a website called ‘Know Your Meme’. The definition is as follows:

‘A troll is someone who will state something only with the intention of stirring up controversy. Typically the statement is so absurd that only the most noobish of noobs will get offended and respond’.
It is quite sad of me to admit, but I will nonetheless, that I have in fact been the most noobish of noobs. But that is exactly why I am writing this post.

Over the past few weeks in particular, I find some of my good friends have been running around the internet, claiming to be ‘trolls’. Of course, being the ignorant little bug I am (or perhaps because I have a life apart from the internet, is another way of looking at it) I was unaware of such terminology.

My boyfriend, who is more than well-researched in his life, then, ran me through what exactly trolling was. And of course, needless to say, I found it fascinating but quite sad at the same time.
What was fascinating was that more than seldom, people were using the term entirely wrong in comparison to what they were actually doing. And well, we can all figure out the sad part about being a bully on the internet- that’s like taking part in an online beauty pageant.

Anyway, so after engaging in several, time-consuming, useless discussions/arguments with these so called ‘trolls’, I decided to surf the web and research on the topic.
Here’s a quick summary provided for you guys, and you can click on the website link here, if you're interested to know the whole story:

In the late 1980s, Internet users adopted the word “troll” to denote someone who intentionally disrupts online communities.
Professor Judith Donath explains troll employ something called a “pseudo-naïve” tactic, asking stupid questions and seeing who would rise to the bait.
As our emotional investment in the Internet has grown, the stakes for trolling — for provoking strangers online — have risen. Trolling has evolved from ironic solo skit to vicious group hunt.

So what are we going to do about that?
I, being one hell of an angry and feisty person, used to constantly reply back to these faux trolls. I wasn’t learned of the issue, and so I only found it weird that they used to refer to themselves as one. I mean, who voluntarily calls themselves a troll, unless they want to be known as one, right?

Well, had I not read up on this new internet phenomena, then I would have probably continued to 'feed the troll' as they put it, because I’m not one to keep quiet (Do I sound 50 years old? Cause I feel 50 years old).
But anyway, now I know better.

Trolls must be sad people, constantly on the internet, swapping their real faces for ‘troll/cool faces’, living their lonely lives vicariously through the internet.
Commenting on FB statuses, wall posts, forums gives them the ‘illusion of power’ as one website puts it, because ‘they are unable to distinguish between irritation and admiration; their ego grows directly in proportion to the response, regardless of the form or content of that response,’.

What’s my final conclusion on this issue?
Whether trolls or faux trolls, it is safe to ignore them.
Any comment(s) that you deem would result in a fuck load of unnecessary responses, ignore ignore ignore.


...When It Rains, On This Side Of Town It Touches Everything.

Photo Credit: Some Random Tumblr User
Title: 'When It Rains'- Paramore

We Are Not Broken People

Photo Credit: Random Tumblr User


Elevator Awkwardness

Why are elevators such conversation killers?
I don't mean this in regards to walking into an empty lift, and continuing the conversation you were having earlier.
Wait.. Let me rephrase that:

Why are crowded elevators such conversation killers?

Sure, it could get annoying to talk to your friend in a lift filled with other people. But that barely seems it...
It's just plain awkward.

I'm not sure about the majority, but when in a crowded elevator, I not only look down to avoid looking at someone in the face/avoid looking at them looking at me, or at the elevator buttons/screen to see how fast I'm going to reach my destination... But I have this uncontrollable need to laugh.
ALL OF A SUDDEN I just really want to laugh.

This could seriously depend on the company I'm with- like a hilarious friend or someone equally 'elevator awkward'.

Anyway, I really had no point with this blog, but here's hoping I'm alone in the elevator tomorrow.